
Wednesday 20 May 2015

doing my maths whizz at home all the time

Sometimes I go on my maths whizz to do my maths I have lots of  credits because I keep doing my maths when I bring my netbook from school.Maths whizz is cool cause some I get easy work then I get harder ones to I get struck on my hard work I get help from school and home.Maths whizz is good for your brain lots of people at school do maths whizz in our maths class sometime we do writing to or reading with our maths teacher we go on the computer to finish some work that we never did on the computer we do world war 1 stack after lunch same has maths whizz writing and reading.Maths is the best because it helps your brain to learn all about maths whizz the endImage result for maths whizz

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